Two recent publications by ICMT's MIC research group led by Prof. Tingyue Gu are most downloaded articles in the last 90 days in their respective Elsevier journals:
- Jia, R., Tan, J., Jin, P., Blackwood, D., Xu, D., Gu, T. (2018). Effects of biogenic H2S on the microbiologically influenced corrosion of C1018 carbon steel by sulfate reducing Desulfovibrio vulgaris biofilm. Corrosion Science; 130: 1-11
- Jia, R., Yang, D., Xu, D., Gu, T. (2017). Electron transfer mediators accelerated the microbiologically influence corrosion against carbon steel by nitrate reducing Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Bioelectrochemistry; 118: 38 - 46