Negar Moradighadi successfully defended her PhD dissertation in early July.
Titled, "EIS Investigation of Corrosion Mechanisms of Iron in Acidic Solutions", her work further advances recent ICMT research that has significantly improved the understanding of electrochemical processes that underpin CO2 corrosion of mild steel.
Outcomes from her research will improve existing models for the prediction of corrosion rates and will be built into our MULTICORPTM software package.
During her time at the ICMT she has published peer reviewed papers in Corrosion (Determining critical micelle concentration of organic corrosion inhibitors and its effectiveness in corrosion mitigation), Electrochemica Acta (Identifying the dominant electrochemical reaction in electrochemical impedance spectroscopyn), and The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Solvent isotopic effects on a surfactant headgroup at the air–liquid interface), as well as in CORROSION and AMPP conference proceedings.
Note that although her dissertation research focused on electrochemical phenomena on surfaces, much of her published work has been on characterizing surfactant species and their ability to inhibit corrosion.
Negar is currently working on additional manuscripts with an EIS focus. She continues her affiliation with ICMT centering on mentoring our graduate students on electrochemical techniques.