As part of a scheduled visit to Ohio University, Ohio Congressmen Bill Johnson and Troy Balderson were hosted by ICMT.
Their laboratory tour was led by Prof. Nesic, assisted by Associate Professor Marc Singer, Assistant Research Professor Bruce Brown, and Research Professor David Young.
The backstory behind ICMT, importance of corrosion, preservation of asset integrity within the energy sector, phenomena involved, economic impact, ICMT capabilities, outreach, and characterization methods were all discussed.
A roundtable discussion followed, with topics covered including carbon capture and hydrogen utilization in addition to energy topics. The visit concluded with lunch.
Prof. Nesic commented, "It was good to host the Congressmen, and I'm sure we opened their eyes to what we have developed here. Corrosion is ubiquitous, impacts the economy and society in so many ways.
I hope their visit will be positive when it comes to their thinking on policy and legislative matters".