FREECORP has been released for use by the corrosion research community. The software is developed
by scientists and programmers at Corrosion Center using publicly available knowledge of oil pipeline corrosion
and it is distributed under GPL (General Public License) for free use by researchers, practitioners, and students of
corrosion phenomena. It is our hope that FREECORP will be used widely, that it will be enhanced and improved by many
and, thus contribute to better understanding of corrosion in oil pipelines.
FREECORP is available as a free
download from our web site.
FREECORP V1.0 is a simple corrosion model, strongly rooted in theory, which has been developed exclusively based
on public knowledge. Currently, this model is capable of predicting uniform corrosion of carbon steel at a single point in an environment containing
carbon dioxide, acetic acid, oxygen, and/or hydrogen sulfide. Iron carbonate film formation, a key factor in carbon dioxide corrosion, is simulated
using an empirical correlation to improve the accuracy of corrosion rate prediction. Contributions to corrosion of various corrosion species can be
calculated, which enables the exploration of dominant corrosion mechanisms in the corrosion process. Furthermore, polarization curves for each
individual electrochemical reaction, net cathodic and anodic reactions and polarization sweeps can be optionally displayed. In a case of hydrogen
sulfide corrosion, film formation is calculated and concentration profile of H2S across mass transfer layers on steel surface is displayed.