Dr. Bernard Tribollet visits ICMT
September 22nd - 26th 2014
The ICMT will be hosting Dr. Bernard Tribollet, the Director of Research Emerit at the “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” (CNRS) in the
“Laboratoire Interfaces et Systèmes Electrochimiques” (LISE) at Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris.
In 1973, after his graduation from the “Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité”, Bernard Tribollet joined the laboratory of I. Epelboin where he prepared a PhD under his supervision.
In 1977 he held a CNRS position as “Assistant de Recherche” in the same laboratory, and he received his PhD in Physical Sciences in 1978. In 1981, with the support of a
NSF fellowship, he spent one year as visiting scientist at the University of California, Berkeley under the supervision of Prof. John Newman.
Tribollet has over 250 refereed publications and he has presented more than 40 invited talks in international conferences. In particular, he gave a lecture “Impedance for Rest of us” at the fall
ECS meeting in 2003. During the first twenty years of his career, he worked in collaboration with Claude Deslouis on electro-diffusion flow diagnostics and mass
transport in electrochemical systems. He generalized the electrochemical impedance to other perturbations, such as the rotation speed of a rotating disk electrode
(EHD impedance), magnetic field (MHD impedance), and temperature (thermal impedance). He applied Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy to different problems
concerning mass transport, conducting polymers, electrodissolution, and corrosion by developing models with clear physical meaning.
In the last few years, he has collaborated with many groups in different countries, in particular with Prof. Mark Orazem (USA), Prof. Oscar Mattos (Brazil), Dr. Marco Musiani (Italy).
Bernard Tribollet serves on the ECS Editorial Advisory Committee, he is Fellow of the Elecrochemical Society, he was the Chairman of the 2010 Annual
Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry in Nice, and he is since 2011 the Treasurer of ISE. Since 1989 he has delivered an annual
short course on Impedance Spectroscopy at the University Paris 6. He co-authored, with Prof. Mark Orazem of the University of Florida, a textbook
on impedance spectroscopy published in 2008 as part of the Electrochemical Society Series (Wiley).
While at the Institute, Dr. Tribollet gave a series of lectures to the ICMT students and staff related to electrochemical methods.
[ Curriculum Vitae ]