ICMT Researchers participated at NACE conference in Atlanta on March 22-26
with Five paper presentations: Bruce Brown, Marc Singer, Yoon-seok
Choi , Hui Li and Xiu Jiang, and Nine student posters : Hui
Li, Jin Huang, Dake Xu, Yao Xiong, Shanshan
Yang, Tanaporn Tanupabrungson, Thunyaluk Pojtanabunteong,
Emilyn Chan, and Luciano Paolinelli.
Dr. Brian Kinsella has delivered an invited talk in the
Technical Committee meeting - Inhibitors, Corrosion and Scale/Deposit TEG184X at NACE Conference in Atlanta on
March 22-26.
ICMT Students won the following awards at NACE: Hui Li won
annual NACE Foundation Book Scholarship reward for academic achievement with $1000 and Jin Huang
received a Harvey Herro Award third place for poster ($200)
Pictures of students with posters may be seen
Jin Huang is recieving the award from NACE poster session organizer.